Monday, February 24th 2025

March 7th, 2011

Lots of Laughter

Sarah has giggled a few times, but this was her first sustained bout of laughter. Too cute.

February 18th, 2011

Smiles from the Bouncer

Yup, she's cute.

February 12th, 2011


This is the video of Sarah's baptism from January 29th. She was a little bit hungry at the time. Can ya tell?

January 22nd, 2011


Here's another video. We thought these smiles were too cute not to share.

December 26th, 2010

A few videos

It's been a whirl-wind week. Can't chat long, so here are a few YouTube videos for ya'll. Yeah, I said it - YA'LL.

December 12th, 2010


The nursery is pretty much ready! Now we just need a baby...

December 6th, 2010

Baby Dresser

I've been working hard to get the baby dresser refinished. It's almost done - just need to sand the drawers, and stain/varnish the drawers and knobs.

November 23rd, 2010

36 Weeks - Doctor Appointment

We had another sonogram at our appointment today. Both images are the same, except that the second one has some scribbles that should help you identify the body parts. According to the sono, the baby is currently 7lbs 3oz, which means an approximate birth weight of 8lbs 11oz. Definitely a full size baby. Ann is dialated to 1cm, which is a good sign that her body is getting ready.

November 12th, 2010

35 Weeks

Everything is moving right along - almost too fast. Just had both baby showers. I'm working on getting this dresser refinished. It was Ann's mom's dresser when she was a baby. It has several layers of paint which we're stripping off. It will probably end up with a coat of light stain and some polyurethane.

October 22th, 2010

32 Weeks

October 8th, 2010

30 Weeks

Thirty weeks and is well.

September 24th, 2010

28 Weeks and new stuff

Twenty-eight weeks and all is going well. And we have recently acquired a few new items, including a Pack & Play and a glider-rocker chair with ottoman.

August 29th, 2010

Nursery Chair Rail

We were so excited looking at the paint in the nursery, we decided that we just couldn't wait to put up the chair rail. So, we made a "quick trip" to Menards. A few dollars and hours later... [Though these pictures don't show it, Ann helped with the chair rail as well - running for forgotten tools, holding trim, taking pictures, keeping Gabe on track, moral support, etc.]

August 29th, 2010

Nursery Paint

Joel and Rachel arrived yesterday and helped us paint the nursery (thanks guys!). What a difference some extra hands can make. The yellow and green look amazing and really help to brighten up the room. Now for the chair rail.

August 27th, 2010

24 Weeks

August 22th, 2010

23 Weeks

We just registered at Target and Baby Depot (in Burlington Coat Factory). Also been working hard on getting the nursery ready - a little bit of drywall repair and some paint prep. We'll be painting this coming weekend with our friends Joel and Rachel.

August 11th, 2010


We've already received some gifts! Among other presents, the Doran's made us these cool booties. As a going-away gift, Ann's CG co-workers gave us a large gift bag with all sorts of goodies - shampoo, powder, diapers, books, etc. Thanks!

August 10th, 2010

Sonogram Pics

We got sonogram pictures taken today. The still images don't do justice to what it's like to see the sonogram in motion. You'll have to use your imagination here. In the first image, the baby is laying down with his (or her) feet on the left and head on the right; arms are up around the face; between the feet and head you can see the umbilical cord. The second image is basically a shot of the feet. In the third image, the baby is once again laying down with the feet on the left and head on the right; in this one you can kinda see some details of the face - eyes, mouth.

July 30th, 2010

20 Weeks

Ann's been feeling the baby move quite a bit. I just felt him move for the first time! (and by "him" we don't mean to say that the baby is a boy, I'd just rather not call the baby "it")

July 23th, 2010

19 Weeks

We're expecting our first child! Baby Hart is due on December 17th. We won't be finding out the gender until the big day. It'll be a great surprise. We're super excited!